After the Polkamon gas fiasco, over 100,000 people were left empty handed after paying for a Polkamon egg “dud”. As a gesture of goodwill to the community, everyone who missed out on that drop will be able to claim Polymon, a Limited Edition Toshimon. We are confident that you will like what you see at Toshimon and would love for you to join the Toshimon community!
For fairness to existing Toshimon supporters, we will make Polymon available to them as well. As such, all addresses are eligible to claim a single Polymon card (one per person, please). Since Polymon is first edition, it will be eligible for ToshiFusion using TOSHI.
After our Polygon/MATIC integration, you will be able to claim your Polymon on Layer 2 for free, with gas paid for by the Toshimon core development team. The card will also be available to claim on Ethereum, but users will be responsible for gas. There are no “duds”, everyone who claims will immediately get their Polymon card as soon as the transaction confirms.
The cards will be available to claim on Ethereum starting this weekend, and will remain available for the month of April. Matic integration and free claiming will be available starting in mid-April.
Supply will be capped on May 1st, and minting will be halted permanently. You will still own and be able to trade your Polymon, but no new Polymon’s will be minted.